Sunday, November 3, 2013

3 months old Today!

Today Layla is three months old! She smiles, tries to "talk" to us, grabs things (like my hair) and tries to suck her thumb. We try to prevent her from doing that last one! She loves her swing that Grammy Tammy got her, and her floor play mat that Grandma Judi got her. She loves to take showers with mommy and likes going for walks in her stroller. She has slept through the night 3 times now, and still sleeps in a bassinet next to our bed. We always sing songs to her, dance with her and talk to her. She goes through about 4-5 diapers a day. She weighs around 13 pounds. 
For Halloween this year, she wore a flapper costume to her daycare and was a pea in a pod for Trunk or Treating. She crashed around 7:00. 
On Saturday, we went to Sunset Park and fed the ducks and went to a UNLV BBQ with daddy. I took some 3 months pictures of her in the backyard. 

Daddy singing and talking to Layla. 

This was our home evening activity about 2 weeks ago. Our pumpkins lasted 6 days before melting/molding here in Vegas. Apparently you should spray bleach on the inside to keep them looking alive for longer. Ours became a hostile for crickets on our front porch. 

Mommy's little flapper :) I wore this costume to school and the Kindergarteners thought I was an Indian. The middle school kids thought I was a show girl. One asked me if I was "like, someone from the Great Gatsby."  

Layla Trunk-or-Treating with Daddy. Not sure how much she really loved it. 

A flapper, a pea and casual Batman.

Love my little Squish!

3 months old. 

I think she is so pretty. 

This is how we do "feed the ducks" in Vegas. Nothing like Logan. I think she had fun tho! Her first time seeing real duckies! 

My Layla Rae <3 

I love my family so much and count my blessings everyday! I am glad we are all healthy, that I have a job and that Zach is in school. I'm glad we have a fantastic babysitter for our daughter and our beautiful home. I am grateful for our families and the endless love and support they give us. I love our ward and the friends and co workers we have. I am surrounded by some incredible people. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Layla Rae

Here is where I will be writing about the experience that made me a mom. I will preface with a potential for tmi (too much information) so be aware. 

Our baby was due on July 27. Well, that day came and went. I did many things to try to induce my labor at home. I did not photograph all of them (obviously) but below you will see some pictures of a few attempts.
 NONE worked. 
Jumping on the tramp.
Drinking castor oil while laying bricks.
Giving up and taking a nap (with Boo of course.) 

We had an appointment August 1 and an induction set up for August 2. At our appointment I was still dilated to a 1 (which is not far...the goal is to get to a 10) That was frustrating. We were told to call the hospital the next morning and go in. We called the hospital and they were full. This happened hourly from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm until we were told that we would not be going in that night and to call the next morning at 5:00 am. Zach woke up at 5:00 am and called. They told us to come in at 6:15, so we woke up, got ready and off we went! 
I sat in the hospital and got an IV, then the nurse gave me a pitocen pill to take orally to start labor. That didn't work, so she placed one south of the boarder. After that, the contractions started and I got an epidural (that was quite the adventure!) The doctor got me all set up I breathed in really hard, felt a sharp poke and told Zach, "That wasn't so bad!" Then, to my dismay the doctor told me that was the pen to draw where to inject. Rats! 
After that, I should have rapidly progressed thanks to the drugs and what not, however I camped out at dilation of a 4 until 5:00 pm. The doctor came and talked to Zach and I about the possibilities of a C-section. The baby's heart rate had dropped a few times and at one point another nurse had to run in and give me a dart shot in the arm. The baby wasn't doing well when I contracted, and we were all a little worried, but I told the doctor I wanted to wait and she if she would progress. At 6:00, after another drastic heart rate drop, the doctor strongly suggested a C-section. I talked it over with Zach and tearfully agreed. My mom came in, along with my in-laws and my dad. Zach gave me a blessing and then changed into his doctor clothes. They let my dad also be in the operating room, so he also changed. 
Don't we just look fantastic! 
After getting wheeled down to the room, transferred to the surgery table, the drug doctor started pumping me full of something that made my whole body feel super heavy, like I was being filled with sand. Zach sat above my left shoulder and I tried to hold his hand but I couldn't really lift my hand too well. The party started and it was really awkward because it was so quite, so I asked my nice drug doctor if we should talk or what. He suggested music and asked what pandora station I would like. I told him Boyce Avenue (thanks Hads!) and a cover of Journey's "Faithfully" came on. At some point during that song, I became a mom and Zach became a dad. August 3, 2013 at 7:15 pm. 
I could hear her crying and I flopped my head to the side to see a pink wet baby in a plastic bin with doctors all around her. I told Zach to go be with her and my dad came and sat by me. It was a minute or two before they brought her over to me. I had to have help holding her, but it was such a special moment! 

I couldn't really hold her by myself because my arms and hands were so floppy and heavy. Zach had
to help me.  
A baby! 
After that, I took about 25 mins to get all put back together, then they wheeled my bed out to a recovery area where Zach and I waited while they did tests on the baby. Then we got to reconvene in the hospital room and our parents were there. Zach gave her a bath and I threw up in a bucket. 
I finally got to hold her again, and I could feel my body more so that was great. It was there that we announced that we had decided to name her Layla. 

She had low blood sugar so she was admitted into the NCU, so we stayed longer and got to hang out with her there. 
Skin to skin contact is supposed to be good for babies, so we gave it a shot. Notice her IV in her head. Sad! 
Layla was free from the NCU on Monday, but they still wanted to monitor her to ensure she didn't have to go back. 

We had fun getting to know our sweet little Layla!

We came home Tuesday afternoon to recover, pack up and get ready to move on Friday.
We were so blessed to have Zach's parents come up and my parents to help us out and help us adjust. We moved to Las Vegas the weekend after she was born because I started my job on the 13th. Zach starts school tomorrow and life is just moving fast! Its crazy how much can change but I have been blessed with so much support and love from family, old friends and new friends! 
Layla has been such a perfect addition to our family. She sleeps all day and parties all night, and I'm lucky Zach is willing to stay up with her and take care of her! 
We love her so much! :) 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Due Date- 40 weeks and 1 day

Yesterday was my due date. It came and went and now it's the next day. :(
Listed below are the things I have tried to jump start this labor train.

  • walking (uphill, downhill, flat, with dogs, with Zach, at night, early mornings, midday, long walks, short walks..)
  • drinking caster oil (NOTHING happened) 
  • doing the deed that lead to this pregnancy
  • bouncing on a hippity-hop ball
  • jumping on the tramp
  • being bounced on the tramp
  • going digging in a truck (we almost died!) 
  • doing hard manual labor (moving furniture, laying bricks..)
  • rubbing various pressure points found between my fingers, on my feet and my ankles
  • taking a relaxing bath
  • swinging on a swing
  • eating spicy foods
So, those are all the activities I have done in the past week leading up to now. I know people say "Oh, she will come when she's ready" or "Due dates are more of an estimation" To those people, I say psh! 
Thanks to technology, they can tell you exactly how old the baby is, and the day she was conceived. Also, I know she will come when she is ready, but it would be nice if she came when I was ready (two weeks ago) because I am moving with or without her on August 9th to Las Vegas, then starting my new job on August 14th. The sooner she arrives, the sooner I can figure out all this mothering business (if you recall I don't feel I have the best mothering instincts) and get some help while my husband is around before his school starts. Zach had his last shift at Logan River Academy yesterday. I think he was happy to be done but it's weird that it's finally over. It just makes us more and more anxious to start a new chapter! I will keep things posted and hopefully there is some news to share in the next few days, if not, apparently I am being induced on August 3 so that gives me 6 whole glorious days before the move to spend with my little girl. Seriously folks, the sooner the better. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Big Trev Graduates!

Today was Logan High School's graduation ceremony. My brother Trevor asked me the night before to put a "Larry the Cable Guy 'Get R Done' " on the top of his cap, so naturally I agreed. We used gold duck tape as to fit with the school's color scheme. It made him easy to spot among the crimson robes. During his turn to walk, he tripped right in front of the podium (purposefully). He's just that kind of a kid! After, we celebrated at Texas Road House.
  Congrats on your graduation Big Trev!
  You are awesome! 
Trevor lining up to get his diploma. 

This kid got a high school degree. 

Way to go! 

Oh Trev! 

Got R Done

Trevor lifting Nate and Hayden

Hulk Style. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Elder Anderson

Well, two years ago my little brother set off to serve an LDS mission in Eugene Oregon speaking Spanish. He returned home yesterday and my family had the chance to meet him at the Salt Lake City Airport. Below are some pictures of that momentous occasion. I do believe my mom was the most excited. Whenever a pilot (or anyone in dress pants) would begin to come down the escalator, she would start to scream, "There they are!" (referring to the missionaries) and everyone would get all excited and ready to film/cheer/take pictures, only to discover the formally dressed individual descending down the escalator was not a missionary. It was some anxious moments for everyone!
But all that aside, was fun to see him come home. He is good and looks the same. He is such a good example to my family and especially to my other brothers! His homecoming is this Sunday, along with Trevor's farewell, so watch for more pictures and more posts! <3

Proud Parents waiting for their son. 

This is how Trevor waits. 
Some of us are a little less patient. 

There he is, first Elder on the escalator. 

He dropped his suitcase and just hugged her. 

Melts my heart! 

He was is happy! 



So glad my "widdle brudder" is home! I love him! 

Trevor on the way to the car, trying to be a super hero.